• Office of Transportation


    Transportation is a major function of this school system's operation. As such, it requires special attention in order that the greatest benefit will accrue from the dollars expended. The transportation budget provides services for over 8,000 pupils, including those attending schools within the district and out-of-district private, parochial and special schools.

    The following major objectives serve as a guide in the management of pupil transportation:

    • To furnish transportation to those pupils whose health or distance from the school makes this service essential.
    • To apply and enforce safety standards in all aspects of school bus transportation.
    • To operate transportation efficiently and economically.
    • To adapt transportation to the requirements of the instructional program.
    • To maintain conditions on the buses which are conducive to the best interest of the pupils.
    • To receive, evaluate, and implement suggestions about school bus transportation that are feasible and within the guidelines and policies approved by the Board of Education.
    • To consider and apply measures of energy conservation.

    Through the UPTC Safety and Transportation Committee, parents can take an active role in transportation matters and, in fact, many recommendations made by the Committee have been adopted as policy by the Board of Education.

  • New GNPS Logo with star in center

  • Contact Us

    Please direct all questions for the Office of Transportation to:

    Donovan Howell
    Supervisor of Transportation
    345 Lakeville Road
    Great Neck, NY 11020


    WE Transport
    District Bus Company
    516 561-7070 - option 1
    516-279 1950 - option 1