Vocal Music at E.M. Baker School

  • Ms. Gorney ~ Grades K, 2-5 Vocal Music Teacher

    "Often a single experience will open the young soul to music for a whole lifetime." - Zoltan Kodály

    Learn More About The Kodaly Philosophy


     Ms. Coman ~ Grade K and 1 Vocal Music Teacher


Grade 5 Composing and Playing

  • Students performing and composing

    Fifth grade students performing their do pentatonic scale compositions on various classroom instruments

Grade 4 Creating Rhythm Patterns

  • Fourth graders at SMARTBoard

    Fourth grade students creating 4-beat rhythm patterns using half notes at the SMARTBoard

Grade 3 Performs "Boots of Shining Leather"

Grade 2 Identifying Music Symbols

  • Reading music symbols

    Second grade students identifying accents, bar lines, and measures