Village School


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    Village School's Health and Safety Guidelines for the Re-Opening of School Fall 2020

    Village School, along with the rest of the Great Neck School District, is committed to giving all students the best possible education allowable considering the times and circumstances in which we find ourselves. Safety will be the number one priority as we proceed through these uncharted waters. To that end, the following health and safety policies have been put in place by both the district and/or Village School. Please click the link in the headline to view our guidelines.

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Village School: A Look Inside

Village School: A Look Inside

Village in the News

Prospective Students info

  • student enrollment

    Village School is a NYS accredited alternative high school in Great Neck Public Schools, where students from both Great Neck and out of district, are enrolled. Prospective parents interested in sending their child to Village School should contact their child's guidance counselor to express this interest. Guidance counselors then need to send a packet containing a student's most current psychological and education evaluations, IEP, transcript, and updated social history to Village School, attention to Stephen Goldberg, Village School Principal. This information will be reviewed and if the material indicates that Village may be an appropriate placement for a student, a visitation and tour will be scheduled with parents and their child.